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GEO´ ECFR - The Geopolitics of the European Green Deal

GEO´ ECFR - The Geopolitics of the European Green Deal 
Posted by PRChannel Team - Gibraltar GX11 1AA

  • The European Green Deal will not only profoundly transform the economy but will also have deep geopolitical repercussions.   
  • It will affect geopolitics through its impact on the EU energy balance and global markets; on oil and gas-producing countries in the EU neighbourhood; on European energy security; and on global trade patterns, notably via the carbon border adjustment mechanism.   
  • The EU should prepare to help manage the geopolitical aspects of the European Green Deal.   
  • Relationships with important neighbourhood countries such as Russia and Algeria, and with global players including the United States, China and Saudi Arabia, are central to this effort.

In 2019, the European Commission introduced the European Green Deal, an ambitious policy package intended to make the European Union’s economy environmentally sustainable. The Green Deal is at root an effort to transform the European economy and European consumption patterns. But because it entails a fundamental overhaul of the European energy system and because it ranks so high on the EU policy agenda, it will also change the relationships between the EU and its neighbourhood, and it will redefine Europe’s global policy priorities. As such, it is a foreign policy development with profound geopolitical consequences.   

In a joint policy paper – The geopolitics of the European Green Deal – the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) and the Brussels-based economic think tank Bruegel map out the geopolitical implications of the Green Deal. The five authors, Mark Leonard, Jean Pisani-Ferry, Jeremy Shapiro, Simone Tagliapietra and Guntram Wolff, look at the effects of purposeful efforts to export climate policy, but also at the unintended side-effects. They further examine how other countries (like the US, China, Russia, Algeria and Saudi Arabia) might understand the Green Deal and how they are likely to respond. Learn More ...

About ECFR

The European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) is an award-winning international think-tank that aims to conduct cutting-edge independent research on European foreign and security policy and to provide a safe meeting space for decision-makers, activists and influencers to share ideas. We build coalitions for change at the European level and promote informed debate about Europe’s role in the world. Visit ECFR Website

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