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GEOPOLITICS: The Belt and Road Initiative - Challenges and Opportunities Amid COVID-19 (MARSH)

The Belt and Road Initiative: Challenges and Opportunities Amid COVID-19  
By via PRChannel

Heading into 2020, there were nearly 3,000 active Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) projects, involving more than 2,600 companies, with a combined value of close to USD4 trillion.

Although this represents significant progress for the BRI, in the seven years since the project launched, it has arguably never faced a more challenging risk environment. Managing political, economic, and investment risks has been made more difficult by COVID-19.

In this white paper, we outline the opportunities and challenges facing investors in the BRI, and provide updates on recent developments in the following countries: 

•    Malaysia
•    Bangladesh
•    Philippines
•    Indonesia
•    Myanmar

In addition, we rank the contractual agreement repudiation risk for the BRI countries given the impact of COVID-19 by our own proprietary risk map. Download the report

We hope that this report stimulates conversation in your organization about the challenges and opportunities currently facing investors, as well as those on the horizon.

Image Credit: JLB1988

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