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GEOPolitical News | Supply chains and the effects of COVID-19, geopolitics, and technological innovation - Analysis

Supply chains and the effects of COVID-19, Geopolitics, and Technological Innovation - Analysis
Atlantic Council via
Analysis By Iain Fraser - Consultant Editor

GEOPolitical News | Supply chains and the effects of COVID-19, geopolitics, and technological innovation - Analysis

For the fourth instalment of the GeoTech Center’s expert survey series, we asked a range of business leaders and tech experts how COVID-19 has impacted their industry’s or enterprise’s supply chains.  Significant shortages of personal protective equipment and tests have plagued hospitals, and many countries’ dependence on China quickly became evident in the initial rush to obtain supplies. Food supply chains have also been significantly disrupted–for instance, infection rates at meat packing plants are five-times greater than those in similar geographies. Continue Reading ...

Read Analysis By Iain Fraser
Read Atlantic Council´s Full Report Here

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#geopolitical news #geopolitical matters #supply chain #logistics #GEOAnalysis #Iain Fraser 

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