G7: Trump would meet Rouhani in right circumstances
By: Newsdesk Team
City of London Newsroom
US President Donald Trump chose the last day of the G7 summit in Biarritz to make an announcement that he is open to meeting Iran´s President Hassan Rouhani under the "right circumstances." Rouhani has already said that "he was ready to meet anyone if he felt it
would benefit Iran."
It comes on the back of the brief, unannounced visit to the French hosted summit by Iran´s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif last Sunday said to be at the behest of the French President Emmanuel Macron.
Trump told G7 reporters at a joint G7 press conference with French leader Emmanuel Macron, who is trying to be an honest broker between the two opposing countries, that he had "good feelings" about the prospect of a new nuclear deal with Iran going on to say that "Iran is not the same country it was two and a half years ago when I came into office."
"I really believe that Iran can be a great nation... but they can't have nuclear weapons," he said, adding that they had to be "good players" before he would agree to a meeting.
Relations between Iran and the US have been in sharp decline since Trump withdrew from the 2015 Iranian Nuclear Deal put in place to limit Iran's nuclear activities and increased sanctions.
Hosted in Biarritz, France, the G7 summit involved the leaders from the leading seven global economies of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK and last but not least the US.